Epoxy based corrosion protective coating system for steel and concrete surfaces. Can be applied overstructural steel and exposed concrete surfaces.
Tec Beat ET
Coal-tar epoxy resin based coating for steel and concrete surfaces
TEC BEAT ET is based on solvented epoxy resins, with
modified coal tar. And It is supplied as a two pack material in
pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.
Tec Beat RB
Reinforcement Coating-Latex Based
Acrylic Polymer based reinforcement coating system for new re-bars. Ideal protection system for new reinfocement in normal and corrosive environments.
Tec Beat ZR
Reinforcement Coating-Epoxy Zinc Rich
Epoxy-Zinc Rich coating system for exposed reinforcement in concrete repairs. Can also be used for protection of re-bars in highly corroiv environments. Highly recommended for use on Re-bars in RCC in coastal conditions.
Tec Beat CR
Corrosion resistant, solvent free epoxy resin coating for concrete and metal surfaces
TEC® BEAT CR is a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin
material. It is supplied in pre-measured quantities ready for
site mixing and use. The material cures to provide a
smooth, hygienic and anti-corrosive which is also suitable
for contact with potable water and foodstuffs. It is available
in blue and white and grey colours.