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Corrosion Prevention

Tec Beat EP

Corrosion Protective Coating System

Epoxy based corrosion protective coating system for steel and concrete surfaces. Can be applied overstructural steel and exposed concrete surfaces.

Tec Beat ET

Coal-tar epoxy resin based coating for steel and concrete surfaces

TEC BEAT ET is based on solvented epoxy resins, with modified coal tar. And It is supplied as a two pack material in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.

Tec Beat RB

Reinforcement Coating-Latex Based

Acrylic Polymer based reinforcement coating system for new re-bars. Ideal protection system for new reinfocement in normal and corrosive environments.

Tec Beat ZR

Reinforcement Coating-Epoxy Zinc Rich

Epoxy-Zinc Rich coating system for exposed reinforcement in concrete repairs. Can also be used for protection of re-bars in highly corroiv environments. Highly recommended for use on Re-bars in RCC in coastal conditions.

Tec Beat CR

Corrosion resistant, solvent free epoxy resin coating for concrete and metal surfaces

TEC® BEAT CR is a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin material. It is supplied in pre-measured quantities ready for site mixing and use. The material cures to provide a smooth, hygienic and anti-corrosive which is also suitable for contact with potable water and foodstuffs. It is available in blue and white and grey colours.